These are the things that will happen off the stage.
See and experience what we get up to here at P.A.R.T.S.
The OTHER HAPPENINGS spread themselves across the festival.
The exhibition
Curated by: Tessa Hall
With: the whole GXII
When: the whole Festival
Inspired by “36 hours”, curated by Walter Hopps in 1978, this exhibition is about inclusivity. The idea is to show the work that goes on behind the work, or the work that we don’t show- in-between work, behind the scenes work and draft work in an inclusive, excessive, kind of overwhelming way. This exhibition is also an opportunity to think about what our collective memory could look like after 3 years.
Each student has been able to contribute what they want to contribute, in a sense being their own curator. You will see our weekly schedules, scribbles, messy pages in your notebooks, paintings, art from music analysis, photos from parties, costumes, objects, tickets, working notes from personal works, portraits

COMING in out
Created by: Alban Ovanessian
When: the whole Festival
Coming out depends on the divergence of "influences of heteronormativity" and society’s expectations; but this symbolic interactionism that makes us pass a pact with societal reactions to sexualities continues to change across time and place.
Explicitly or implicitly, overstated shadows crossing life experiences are a result of this ocean in and around a heteronormativity society, often under other people's assumptions.
Created by: Eimi Leggett
Performer: Alban Ovanessian
When: 4th-11th July
Rice is a film commenting on the intimacy between human touch being lost through consumerism and capitalism. The two bodies’ skin on the screen (being androgynies) play with the rice as a material and its movement in the air or against the skin as a display of tactility, abundance and dependency. The rice as a symbol represents wealth, possessiveness and attachments.
The film runs for 25 minutes and the audience are encouraged to stay as long as they wish.

Installation concept and creation: Keren Kraizer
When: Opening on Friday 5th July, installed until 12th July
Please turn on the flashlight on your mobile phone
Use this to explore and expose the hanging mobiles in the room
Keep the people, space and thoughts mobile in your own way

GXII Radio
With the partnership of Radio Panik
When: the whole Festival
During the length of the festival a group of students will operate a radiophonic platform. This virtual space will allow us to share with you what cannot be grasped or touched but can be heard. Insights to creations, artist’s talks, music, interviews, conversations and hopefully your voices.
Live music by the Radio House Band
When: In the breaks or at the end of the night
Where: Radio Garden
Bass and vocals: Calvin Carrier
Trumpet and vocals: Némo Flouret
Keys: Luis Miguel Ramirez Muñoz
Drums: Ivan Lucadamo.
Talk! Public
(not really a public talk)
Curated by: Keren Kraizer and Julia Rubies Subiros
When: 4th, 6th, 11th, 13th July
Meeting point for non-traditional exchange.
Crossing between audience, performers, students, staff, strangers and the community. In short formats of 30 minutes, we propose several encounters through which to share moments, thoughts, information, and feedback related to the festival and what we do. Everyone is welcome.
Blackout Sessions
Organised by: Cassandre Cantillon and Audrey Mérilus
When: 8th and 13th July
During these sessions we will be experiencing music in darkness, allowing our senses to be heightened in order to dive into a sonic experience. We will be listening to albums of artists in their entirety, from the 1st track to the last one. Prepare yourself for darkness, cosy pillows and a collective musical adventure.
Flea Market
When: 7th-11th July
We welcome you to our flea market 2019! Over the course of 3 years, we (students) have possessed wonderful and strange things, unfortunately the time has come to let them go. We’ll be selling couches that we watched THAT on, Tops that we wore THAT time, books that made us think like THIS. A mix of furniture, clothes and books. It’d be great to find the next owner for our very loved objects and help our practice of letting things go!!!!!!
Organised by: Hanako Hayakawa
When: the whole Festival
These past three years, we have not only been dancing, but have also been busy with other things such as drawing scores to kill time, doodles in notebooks and so on... We would like to share some of them with people :)
Party and Concert
When: 6th and 13th July
1 party and 1 concert organised by some of the students.
We have organised DJs, performances and live music by the Radio House Band.
There will be drinks inside.
Come to enjoy and celebrate with us, we love to dance.
We want to have fun, in a softly outrageous, spritely, sensual, shameless and welcoming tone.
Spin Workshop, Led by Eimi Leggett
Workshop with Fouad Nafili
Contact Jam
To sign up for a workshop: email or fill use our seat reservation form