The GXII FESTIVAL took place between 2nd - 13th July, 2019.
12 days for Generation 12.
44 students, over 60 works.
Curated, performed, choreographed by the students of GXII.
For the GXII Festival we, the graduating students of P.A.R.T.S, take a look back over the past 3 years.
We present a puzzle of works/workings/works-in-progress that span from 1st year to graduation. It is a platform for us to share what we have done, what we want to do and who we are as GXII.
2nd - 13th July.
12 days for Generation 12.
44 students, over 60 works.
Curated, performed, choreographed by the students of GXII.
For the GXII Festival we, the graduating students of P.A.R.T.S, take a look back over the past 3 years.
We present a puzzle of works/workings/works-in-progress that span from 1st year to graduation. It is a platform for us to share what we have done, what we want to do and who we are as GXII.

Choreographers, collaborators and tutors of the GXII Festival:
Anne Teresa de Keersmaeker
Trisha Brown
Alain Franco
Ivana Müller
Cristian Duarte
David Zambrano
Johanne Saunier
Ursula Robb
Taka Shamoto
Clinton Stringer
Jakub Truszkowski
Fumiyo Ikeda
Marie Goudot
Kathleen Fisher
Sandy Willimas
Christine De Smedt
Charlotte Vandevyver

Generation 12:
Alban Ovanessian, FR
Aminata Diallo, FP
Audrey Mérilus, FR
Azusa Namba, JP
Calvin Carrier, UK/IT
Carolina Ferreira, PT
Cassandre Cantillon, BE
Cheyenne Illegems, BE
Cintia Sebők, HU
Eimi Leggett, JP/AU
Fouad Nafili, MA
Georges Labbat, FR
Gustavo Gláuber, BR
Hanako Hayakawa, JP
Huang Mei-Ning, TW
Ivan Lucadamo, ES
Jean-Baptiste Portier, FR
Jonas Gineika, LT
Jose Fernandez Ruiz, ES
Joshua Serafin, PH
Judith Van Oeckel, BE
Julia Rubies Subiros, ES
Keren Kraizer, IL
Lee Hyeon Seok, KR
Luis Miguel Ramirez Muñoz, CO
Lydia McGlinchey, AU
Mamadou Wague, FR
Margarida Marques Ramalhete, PT
Mariana Miranda, BR
Maureen Bator, FR
Mooni Van Tichel, BE
Myriam Alexandra Rosser Gomez, ES
Némo Flouret, FR
Papis Faye, SN
Rafael Galdino, BR
Rita Alves, PT
Robson Ledesma, BR
Stanley Ollivier, FR
Synne Elve Enoksen, NO
Tessa Hall, NZ
Thomas Higginson, UK
Timothy Nouzak, AT
Vasco Pedro Mirine, MZ
Wai Lok Chan, HK