Auditions Training
en nl



1. What are the entry criteria?
- Candidates must have a secondary school diploma.
- Only candidates who are selected in a pre-selection can participate in the final audition.
- Only candidates who have been selected during the final audition can become a student.
- P.A.R.T.S. does not accept temporary students through exchange or guest programs.
- Students at P.A.R.T.S. need to have a good level in English (B2 or higher in CEFT scales). This is essential for being an active participant in the program.
- In exceptional cases, PARTS can grant an exception to the rule that one has to have a secondary school diploma. This exception has to be requested before the start of the final audition, in writing to

2. What are the age criteria?
- The minimum age of entry for P.A.R.T.S. is 18, the maximum age is 23 (both ages on Dec 31 2022).
- If you are younger than the age limit, you can participate in the audition, but only if you are sure you will have the necessary secondary school diploma before September 1, 2022.
- If you are older than the age limit, you have a smaller chance of acceptance. P.A.R.T.S. will only occasionally make an exception to this rule.

3a. What are the selection criteria?
P.A.R.T.S. is looking for dancers and choreographers with intuition and openness, physical intelligence, stamina, potential, strong minds, stage presence, a sensitivity for observing and listening, and a clear capacity for autonomous learning and digesting information.

3b. Does it make sense for me to apply if I never took a ballet class before?
Yes, absolutely! The ballet class in the audition has different functions which have nothing to do with your experience in ballet, or with the aesthetics of ballet: it gives us an idea about your posture, musicality, sense of rhythm and spatial awareness. How you're engaging with information that is maybe very new to you, is more important than the amount of experience you can show. A substantial part of PARTS graduates only had their first ever ballet class in the preselection!

4. How many students does P.A.R.T.S. take in?
P.A.R.T.S. will take in approximately 45 students to start studying in the Bachelor program Training in September 2022.

5. How much does it cost to study at P.A.R.T.S.?
Students pay a single registration fee and an annual tuition fee.
- The registration fee is € 4.500. This amount is due only once, irrespective of the number of years the student spends at PARTS. It has to be paid before the start of the courses.
- The tuition fee for Training cycle is € 2.500 per year.

For the full 3 years of the Bachelor program Training, the cost will be € 4.500 + (3 x € 2.500) = € 12.000

6. Does P.A.R.T.S. provide scholarships?
P.A.R.T.S. can provide some scholarships to those students who do not have enough financial resources and have not succeeded in getting scholarships from other funding bodies. P.A.R.T.S. depends on external sources for scholarships, so nothing can be guaranteed. P.A.R.T.S. will only give scholarships to students who can prove they have undertaken serious attempts to obtain a scholarship elsewhere.

Start looking for grants awarded by your local authorities (municipal, regional, national) or private foundations, as soon as you have registered for a pre-selection. In many cases the application deadlines will have expired before you get the final confirmation that you are accepted in P.A.R.T.S.

If you need documents from us, contact our P.A.R.T.S. staff member Ingrid Maes at

7. Can I visit the school?
You can only visit the school during the Open Fridays, our Winter Workshops or during public activities, like PARTS@WORK.

8. Can you send me a brochure or prospectus?
Unfortunately, we have no printed material about our school. Please check the website where you can find the necessary information. If you still have further questions, contact our P.A.R.T.S. staff member Ingrid Maes at

The study guide for 2022-2025 will be available on the website on January 1, 2022.

9. How important is it to master English?
It is essential that students have a good knowledge of English when starting the course- the level must be B2 or higher (CEFR scales). You can test your level at the following place: listening test and grammar test. Both tests take about 10 minutes. You will need to include the results of these tests on the registration for the pre-selection.

During the final audition, there will be a formal English test. If you do not reach the required level at this test, your chances of being accepted as a student are much smaller. If you are accepted even if your English level is below the standard, you will need to come 7 weeks earlier to Brussels to follow an intensive language course.


10. When can I register for the pre-selections?
You can register for the pre-selections from October 25th, 2021 onwards.

11. Until when can I register for a pre-selection date?
The deadline for registrations is at 9AM local time (Central European Time) on the Monday before your desired pre-selection date will take place.

eg. You would like to audition in Tokyo on the 23rd of January, the deadline will be Monday 17th of January at 9AM (CET), for Vienna on the 12th of February it will be Monday 7th of February at 9AM (CET), ...

We advise you to not register too close to a specific deadline as pre-selection venues could reach maximum capacity.

12. What info do I need for the online subscription?
You have to fill out all the mandatory fields in the online form (personal information, dance background, passport/identity card picture or portrait, other), and you have to pay the audition fee. You should not provide any further documentation such as CV, video links or portfolio.

13. How can I determine my level in English?
You can take a free online test here: listening test and grammar test. Both tests take about 10 minutes, and will give an estimation of your level. You should copy this level in the relevant box of the registration form. This test will give both you and P.A.R.T.S. an indication of your level in English. It is not a selection criterion in the pre-selection, but it will be a selection criterion in the final audition, where an official test will be taken. Therefore, when completing the registration form it is not useful to try to fill in a better score than you actually received. If your result is B1, A2, A1 or 0, it can be a reminder for you to start making efforts to learn or improve your English skills before the final audition.

14. Do I receive confirmation after registration?
After your registration for a pre-selection you will get a confirmation email. And one week before your pre-selection you will receive an email with practical information.

Rosas repertoire A Love Supreme ©Tine Declerck
Rosas repertoire A Love Supreme ©Tine Declerck


15. How do I know if I can participate in a pre-selection?

Everyone can attend a pre-selection after filling out the online subscription form and paying the audition fee.

After completing your application form you will receive a confirmation by email.

16. Can I participate in multiple pre-selections?

No, pre-selections are held in several different locations between January and April 2022.You can only choose one pre-selection location.

In case you have to cancel your participation in a pre-selection and you want to reschedule to a different pre-selection, you can contact us at

17. Do I have more chances if I attend a pre-selection in Brussels rather than elsewhere?
No, all of the pre-selections are carried out by the same group of teachers, making selections from the same criteria for evaluation. Moreover, auditions in Brussels are usually more crowded than in some other places.

18. All the places for the pre-selections are extremely far from where I live.
a.What do I do?
You have to decide which pre-selection date and city suits you best. If there are no pre-selections in your country or a country nearby, contact our P.A.R.T.S. staff member Ingrid Maes at for advice.

b. Can I send in a video instead of traveling to a pre-selection?
No, you have to decide which pre-selection date and city suits you best. If there are no pre-selections in your country or a country nearby, contact our P.A.R.T.S. staff member Ingrid Maes at for advice.

19. What if I need to cancel my attendance for the pre-selection?
If you are registered but cannot participate it is important that you inform P.A.R.T.S. by e-mail at as soon as possible. The paid audition fee cannot be refunded under any circumstances.

In case you want to reschedule your participation to a different pre-selection, you can contact our P.A.R.T.S. staff member Ingrid Maes at Your paid audition fee stays valid.

20. How much does my participation in a pre-selection cost?
Participation costs between € 10 and € 40 depending on the location. This is to be paid during the online registration procedure. In case you cancel your participation, this audition fee cannot be refunded under any circumstances.

Only when we cannot accept your registration will this money be refunded (for instance when the pre-selection is already fully booked).

21. Can P.A.R.T.S. financially support my coming to the pre-selection?

No, we do not cover any expenses for participation in the Training cycle auditions.

22. What do I need to bring to the pre-selection?
- ID (identity card or passport).
- Bring your own lunch and anything you need for a regular dance day.
- Don’t bring any CVs, portfolios or reference letters, since all information we need is in the registration form.

23. What will happen during a pre-selection?
- We start with registration and individual warm-up.
- The pre-selection will then consist of a contemporary dance class, a ballet class and a short personal work.
- The personal work consists of a solo of maximum 1 minute, in which you show us how you like to present yourself dancing. The solo can be choreographed by yourself or by someone else. It can be improvised, but you need to be able to repeat the improvisation (i.e. you need to be able to repeat the structure, quality, rhythm and spacing). Very important: NO music, NO props, NO costume, NO explanation before or after- just you dancing...

24. Is there a dress code for the pre-selection?
For dance classes the candidate must wear clothing that permits correct observation by the teacher. Wide clothes or too many layers of clothes hinder a precise observation of the position and workings of the body. For classical classes there is a dress code: ankles, knees and hips must be clearly discernible.

25. How long will a pre-selection last?
You will be able to register from 09.00 am. The actual pre-selection will start at 10.00 am. The length of a pre-selection varies according to the number of participants. Normally it takes around six hours, but in case of many participants it can reach up to nine hours (with one hour lunch break). Make sure to take this into account when you book your travel beforehand.

In exceptional cases the starting time may vary according to the local circumstances. This will be announced as soon as possible.

26. When do I know if I am selected for the final audition?
The selection is made and announced on the day of the pre-selection, maximum two hours after the end of the audition. If you have to leave earlier, you should warn the responsible selection committee, and contact the P.A.R.T.S. office the next week to know your result.

Candidates who have been selected for the final audition will receive a confirmation letter, which they can also use to apply for a visa or scholarship.


27. Who can participate in the final audition?

Only the people who were selected in one of the pre-selections can participate in the final audition.

28. How many people can participate in the final audition?
Around 150 to 180 people will be selected for the final audition. From this group, approximately 90 people will be selected for the final two days of the final audition.

29. How much does my participation in the final audition cost?
The participation is free.

30. Can P.A.R.T.S. financially support my coming to the final audition?
No, we do not cover any expenses for the auditions. We can give you a list of cheap accommodation in Brussels.

31. How long does the final audition last?
The final auditions take place April 4-9, 2022 in Brussels. In case you are selected, you should be available during these six days. After four days the jury will make an intermediate selection. Only the people who have passed this selection can take part in the final two days of the audition.

32. What will happen during the final audition?
Generally, the final audition consist of the following elements:

- Two ballet classes, with different teachers.
- Four contemporary dance classes, with different teachers.
- Repertory: study of Rosas repertory material, and performing it.
- Theatre classes.
- Music session.
- Writing a short essay.
- Personal work (presentation of existing work and a new task).
- Group talk and individual interview.
- Language test to see if your level of English is sufficient.

33. What do I need to bring to the final audition?
- Bring your own lunch and anything you need for a regular dance day.
- Don’t bring any CVs or reference letters, since all information we need is in the registration form.

34. Is there a dress code for the auditions?
For dance classes the candidate must wear clothing that permits correct observation by the teacher. Wide clothes or too many layers of clothes hinder a precise observation of the position and workings of the body. For classical classes there is a dress code: ankles, knees and hips must be clearly discernible.

35. When do I know if I’m selected to study at P.A.R.T.S.?
The final selection will be made two weeks after the end of the final audition in Brussels. We will inform you by email.

36. When does the school year start?
Training cycle starts in September 2022 and will last until the beginning of July 2023.