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R.I.P. Linda Raymond (5/9/1954-13/5/2022)

PARTS rouwt om het overlijden van Linda Raymond-Dougher. Sinds 2006 gaf zij elk tweede of derde jaar Engelse les aan nieuw aangekomen studenten tijdens het eerste semester of tijdens de zomer die daaraan voorafging, om hen te helpen op het niveau te komen dat nodig is om dagelijkse lessen Engels te kunnen volgen. Linda was een altijd enthousiaste, ondersteunende en inspirerende lerares. Haar belang ging veel verder dan het helpen van studenten om hun Engels te verbeteren: ze empowerde hen, zorgde ervoor dat ze zich op hun gemak voelden in een nieuwe omgeving, en hield ervan om hun verdere ontwikkeling als dansers te volgen bij presentaties en voorstellingen. Ze overleed op 13 mei na een lang ziekbed.

Enkele getuigenissen van haar studenten:

Linda was really inspiring! It is the first teacher that made me like English which was not so easy to do... She was always trying to help but mostly she was trying to give you confidence. She was a caring person that was shining and spreading love! This summer spent with her was amazing and a good memory that will stay and that I will keep preciously ♡ (Laetitia Dupertuis, Gen XIII)

A great woman, who accompanied me with extreme care and lightness, through the process of getting more confident with the English language.
I remember her being always attentive and curious to the student’s life behind her teacher role. A really sweet and pleasant person to spend time with. (Marco Torrice, Gen VIII)

She was a lovely person and always willing to help and encourage us in the English classes as well outside of the school. I still remember the last class when she told me “José, never be ashamed of speaking and sharing with people even if you make mistakes, it’s a matter of practice!“ (José Paolo dos Santos, Gen IX)

I spent some time with Linda in the first 2 years of PARTS. Thanks to my poor English, I got to know her!
When we asked her "How are you?" often she answered "I'm tired" But she was always smiling and generous.
We spent time not only in English class.
I don't remember well why we went together to Les Petits Riens, but it was something to help out at her apartment. Anyways she invited us to her place, asked us for a little help and spent the weekend together. She is not just an English teacher, she was involved a lot in my beginning life in Brussels.
We didn't keep in touch but she was always present to PARTS events and we had a moment to catch up. Since I graduated, there was much less chance I could see her and I won't see her anymore. But I will remember her and I can never say enough ‘Thank you’.
R.I.P (Yuika Hashimoto, Gen XI)

I remember my English teacher was a black lady with a proper English accent. She was not just a teacher but a friend to me at that time. I remember that I didn't speak English so much when I arrived at PARTS in 2006. I could not communicate fully with my colleagues and teachers, and she was very patient to hear my voice and encourage me to try to clarify my feelings in English. I was not so sure what I said meant how I felt in the beginning. Through practicing with her, my English improved day by day. (Guo Rui, Gen VIII)

Linda was like a mother for me; she taught me English even though I knew nothing about the language.
She was patient, a woman with a big heart. She was not afraid of difficulties, a woman who asserted her opinions without batting an eye.
I admire her a lot, my Linda Raymond. With my 500 € grant, living in Brussels was too difficult, even lacking a coat to go to school.
But Yes Linda helped me, she invited me to her house and took care of me.
We drank hot tea and she gave me a great coat that saved me from the Belgian winter to keep me warm all year round.
There would be so many testimonials for me to her. But I would like to highlight her generosity, her tenderness in talking to students.
Even when we were desperate because we didn't think we would ever be able to speak English. But she was always there to give us hope.
In the last moments away from home I never saw this disease coming. Because i was so far away.
And the news saddens me deeply, what can I say but.
My Linda Raymond I love you with all my heart.
Above all, thank you for your advice, your strength, your love for your work and for people. Rest in peace Ma Linda Raymond.

(foto: Jolie Ngemi)

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