
ELEMENTARY PROGRAM - WEEK 3 (22-26 July 2024)

Pilates class with Chloe Chignell
The class focuses on gaining greater articulation of the body through building specificity and clarity. We will build strength and find release as we work through particular muscle groups and joints with targeted exercises. We will work towards increasing our range of movement by physically understanding the shape of our joints. We focus on the initiation of movement through deeper muscle engagement. The class seeks to give participants a better understanding of their own biomechanics through physical sensation.
Biography Chloe Chignell>>

Contemporary technique class with Cassandre Cantillon
Through the class, the aim is to create an internal and external environment for physical learning and exploration.
We will dive into individual and collaborative improvisation tasks, coordination, set material, movement puzzles as well as conditioning exercises in order to bring precision, clarity and diversity to our dance and practice. We will explore a series of tools and perspective which can be used to develop our movement vocabulary and training while interrogating our relationship to failure, play and learning.

Biography Cassandre Cantillon>>

Workshop 'Research with the Body' with Milø Slayers
Can the body as choreographer be approached from other perspectives than by colonizing it with rational knowledge?
That is the starting point question for my developmental research in 2024 - titled "CORPUS," Latin for "the body.
With this workshop I will share the research with which I am busy.

Biography Milø Slayers>>