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Antoni Androulakis BE

Born in Belgium, Antoni Androulakis started dancing at the age of eleven in a private school. Starting off with hip hop and later on discovering contemporary dance, he graduated from the Conservatory of Antwerp - Artesis( Belgium) in 2015 . Being an eager learner made him start another Bachelor in La Manufacture (Switzerland) directed by Thomas Hauert, where he focused on choreographic research as well as creating his own teaching material. Throughout his education, he has created several pieces, and has been a performer for David Zambrano, Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui, Wim Vandekeybus, Agostina d’Alessandro ... These last years, Antoni has worked with Rakesh Sukesh for the creation of the piece «Kurukshetra»( Belgium) and «Marked» from Adam Benjamin (England). He performed in various pieces of contemporary dance, as well as acrobatic circus with Alexander Vantournhout, Jordi L. Vidal, Michelle Cheung & Julie Pecard amongst others. Besides being a performer, he has also been teaching in different countries across Europe and has been the choreographic assistant of the company Cocoon during the creation of «Attaque» .