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Daniel Linehan US

Daniel Linehan’s choreographic work is intent on softly obscuring the line that separates dance from everything else. He approaches performance-making from the point of view of a curious amateur, testing various interactions between dance and non-dance forms, searching for unlikely conjunctions, juxtapositions, and parallels between texts, movements, images, songs, videos, and rhythms. Linehan first studied dance in Seattle and then moved to New York in 2004. His work first came to public attention in 2004 with the solo Digested Noise, presented in Fresh Tracks at Dance Theater Workshop. In 2005 and 2006, he worked with a team of four other dancers to create The Sun Came and Human Content Pile. Linehan was a 2007-2008 Movement Research Artist-in-Residence. In 2007, Linehan premiered the solo Not About Everything, which has since been presented in over 75 venues internationally. In 2008, Linehan moved to Brussels where he completed the Research Cycle at P.A.R.T.S. His works created in Belgium include Montage for Three (2009), Being Together without any Voice (2010), Zombie Aporia (2011), Gaze is a Gap is a Ghost (2012), and The Karaoke Dialogues (2014).