en nl

Platform K

Platform-K creates professional dance productions with dancers with and without disabilities. We give dancers with a disability a contemporary dance education. In doing so, we fill a blind spot in the Flemish performing arts landscape.

Platform-K works on different levels.

we take dancers into residency programs and performances. In 2015 we made Monkey Mind in choreography by Lisi Estaras. Since 2018 we have been touring with Common Ground by choreographer Benjamin Vandewalle. Common Ground was selected for the prestigious TheaterFestival in 2018.

Dance workshop: Two days a week we train a select talented group of dancers and prepare them for residencies, productions and creation processes with choreographers. These dancers are part of our company.

Residencies: In residencies we create time for a dancer and a choreographer to conduct an artistically challenging preliminary research without performance pressure. Every year Platform-K sets up two residencies, together with CAMPO and CC De Grote Post.
Dance educational offerings: We offer accessible dance courses for a broad audience of interested people who want a taste of dance. For this we work together with partners from the dance educational field such as Wisper, Danspunt and Konekt.

Besides physical dance training, Platform-K invests in developing the artistry of dancers with a disability. We are researching how dancers with a disability can have a fundamental influence on the world of contemporary dance and what that dance may look like in the future.

© Boris Bruegel
© Boris Bruegel